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Application to join team Tanz!
Please take a few minutes to fill in the application form below and provide as much information as possible in order to be considered for a role within Tanz
Thank you.
Please confirm you are over 18 to apply for any of our vacancies
I am under the age of 18
I am over the age of 18
Position you are applying for
Tanning Consultant
Trainee Manager
Salon Manager
Edinburgh cover tanning consultant
Edinburgh area - to be considered for future
Glasgow area - to be considered for future
Lanarkshire area - to be considered for future
Maintenance/General Handy Man
Please state which salon (or salons) you're applying for or would be happy to travel to...
Full Name
Email address
Contact telephone number
Address inc. post code
Best time to call for 1st stage telephone interview
What is your current job/ role? (if not working/student please state unemployed)
How long have you been in your current job?
Current notice period
Why are you looking to leave & join Tanz?
Are there any shifts/ days/ nights in which you CANNOT work?
Other than the shifts advertised for this position, are you able to provide additional flexibility in covering other shifts/ holidays etc as required?
How would you say your computer skills are? (not applicable for maintenance)
How confident are you in working a shift alone once fully trained?
If successful in passing the first interview stages, would you be free to commit to one full week for training? (Likely to be primarily Monday – Friday between 9-5pm with 1-2 evenings and possibly one weekend shift)
Sales is a large part of the job role at Tanz. Please give an example of a recent or current sales position and how you performed in this role? (not applicable for maintenance)
Would you be using public transport or your own vehicle?
Please tell us why you are the best candidate for this role & what relevant experience you feel you have for this?
Please attach your CV
MS Word or PDF
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Please attach cover letter
MS Word or PDF
Choose File
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